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The best companies you’ve never heard of

When the economic environment is uncertain, it can pay to cut out the noise and look to company fundamentals. But where should an investor look when so many big names are under water and facing a downturn?

When the economic environment is uncertain, it can pay to cut out the noise and look to company fundamentals. But where should an investor look when so many big names are under water and facing a downturn?

Firetrail Investments’ Anthony Doyle joins the podcast to discuss:

  • Why markets are struggling to direction after heavy falls this year
  • How investors should view the coming economic challenges
  • Where opportunities exist despite the challenges, and 
  • Hot stocks in sectors that might spark your interest.

You can access this and previous episodes of the Your Wealth podcast now on iTunesPodbeanSpotify or at

If you’re short on time, consider listening at 1.5-2x speed, which should be shown on the screen of your device as you listen. This won’t just reduce your listening time; it has also been shown to improve knowledge retention.

About the Author
Gemma Dale , nabtrade

Gemma Dale is Director of SMSF and Investor Behaviour at nabtrade. She is the host of the Your Wealth podcast, a fortnightly podcast for investors, featuring insights and updates from markets and finance experts across a range of topics. She provides regular market and finance commentary on ausbiz and in other media including AFR, the Australian, ABC and commercial tv and radio. Gemma was previously the Head of SMSF Solutions for nab, and the Head of Technical Services for MLC, where she led a team of specialists providing advice to advisers and their clients on SMSF, super, tax, social security and aged care.