Our website works best if your computer or device meets these minimum requirements:
Internet (desktop) browser - nabtrade.com.au | Recommended: Google Chrome (the two latest versions) Safari (latest version) FirefoxTM (the two latest versions) Supported: Microsoft Edge (latest version) |
Screen resolution | We support 320px and above |
You might want to download the latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla FirefoxTM .
For security reasons it’s a good idea to install updates on your phone when they’re available.
IRESS products work best if your computer or device meets the below minimum requirements.
* Note: IRESS system requirements current as at October 2020. For a full list, visit the IRESS Recommended Specifications page.
Internet browser | Latest version of Chrome - Chrome is the recommended browser for ViewPoint Latest versions of: Internet Explorer Safari Firefox Microsoft Edge Note that your browser must have cookies and pop-ups enabled. |
Operating System | Windows 10 or Mac 10.12 |
Internet browser |
Internet explorer® V11 Latest version of Firefox (Mac/Windows) Latest version of Chrome (Windows) |
Trader and Java Versions | Trader — Version 17.1 V5 SP6 Java — Java 8 |
Microsoft Office for Excel Add-ins (based on what is compatible with Windows 7) | Trader — Microsoft Office 2016 32bit (Windows) *Note: DDE/RTD plug-ins are not supported by Office for Mac, so the Excel Add-in is only compatible with Office in a Windows environment. |