The ASX has communicated to all market participants of an industry-wide ASX settlement failure that occurred on Friday the 20th of December. This failure has meant that CHESS was not able to complete market settlement on Friday and has deferred settlement to Monday the 23rd of December. For those clients who had sell trades settling on Friday we have ensured those sale proceeds have been made available to you for trading on Monday. Stock delivery for clients who had buy trades settling will need to wait until Monday before the shares become available to sell. We apologise for any inconvenience this ASX outage has caused.
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For an ASX listed company, the minimum value of your first purchase of shares is $500. This is known as the minimum marketable parcel.
There is no minimum marketable parcel, unit amount or value for the NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, LSE or XETRA markets. For trading on the HKSE, each trade has to be in multiple of lot size.